The Minitiouner source covers devices that use the Serit FTS-4334 Nim Tuner Module. There are various variants of hardware using this module. This source supports both the FTDI and PicoTuner hardware interface.
- Default Interface: Search for FTDI or Picotuner Interface, or always ask.
- Tuner 1 Freq Offset: Depending on how you use it you might need to specify an offset (it currently defaults to 9750000)
- Tuner 2 Freq Offset: Depending on how you use it you might need to specify an offset (it currently defaults to 9750000)
- LNB A Supply Default: Select whether it should be Off/12V (Vertical polarization) or 18V (Horizontal Polarization). This can also be toggled while connected to the source. Note: Not all hardware supports this.
- LNB B Supply Default: Select whether it should be Off/12V (Vertical polarization) or 18V (Horizontal Polarization).This can also be toggled while connected to the source. Note: Not all hardware supports this
- Default RF Input: There are two connections on the NIM module. Here you can specify the default of which Tuner needs to use which input. Two tuners can use the same input, or different inputs for different tuners.
- Not all hardware supports dual tuner. For the ftdi interface you need have two ftdi modules on your hardware.
- LNB Control pins for LNB-A on FTDI Module are AC4 = Enable LNB and AC7 = Select Horizontal
- LNB Control pins for LNB-B on FTDI Module are AD5 = Enable LNB and AD4 = Select Horizontal
- LNB Control pins for LNB-A on PicoTuner are Pin 9 = Enable LNB and Pin 12 = Select Horizontal
- LNB Control pins for LNB-B on PicoTuner are Pin 10 = Enable LNB and Pin 11 = Select Horizontal