If you use and enjoy my software and would like to support future projects, then you canĀ buy me a beer or if you prefer donate via Paypal.
Open Tuner – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/open-tuner/
Alternative software for viewing DATV signals using the many variants of the Minitiouner

Satellite Telemetry App (TLM) (WIP) – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/satellite-telemetry-app-tlm/

QO-100 Dish Calibration Using Longmynd (Android/Windows) – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/2022/07/17/qo-100-dish-calibration-using-longmynd/

QO-100 Offline Wideband Monitor – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/2022/06/29/offline-oscar-100-wideband-spectrum-monitor-with-sdr/

Winterhill DATV Receiver Client (Test Version) – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/winterhill-datv-receiver-client/

Longmynd Client – https://www.zr6tg.co.za/longmynd-client/

Satellite Server (Work In Progress) – https://github.com/tomvdb/satellite-server