Hi All,
I’m happy to have a new public version available for OpenTuner. This version had a focus on improving various stability and performance issues while adding some quality of life features. This doesn’t mean its a boring update though with some fun new additions added as well 😉

Apart from the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, the new release comes with the following notable updates:
Better Command Line Support: Lots of features/functionality can be controlled via the command line functionality, and this time its better documented 😉 Find it here.
Experimental DATV Reporter: This is an experiment of reporting DATV signals received by OpenTuner. Its still early days as I test and experiment with it. I don’t have a specific goal for this as yet, but rather trying new things. I’m open to ideas and suggestions as always. There is no guarantee that this will stay up forever, but lets see what we can do with it. I’ve added in the support for this so that it can stress tested and get some ideas flowing 😉 You can enable the DATV reporter in OT and you can view the reports here.

Experimental PicoTuner Ethernet Support: Brian G4EWJ has developed firmware for the PicoTuner which you can replace the Raspberry Pico with a W5100S-EVB-Pico which then brings ethernet support to it. No more usb cables required. Plug it into the network and it can be accessed from OpenTuner. Since this works in the same way as the Winterhill, you can find the under the Winterhill source.

Developments from DL1RF and SV8ARJ: Martin (DL1RF) has submitted a few pull requests that not only brings more stability but also adds a few nice features (including automute and visual indicators. George (SV8ARJ) forked the repository and has been adding some of his own additions. Some of which I added inspired by his work like hiding the properties panel (Press CTRL-P), a video overlay (click once on a video).

OpenTuner is open source for this very reason, getting more developers involved in improving it!
There are many more features to be discovered so go and download the latest version now!
Thanks for everyone who has helped testing this latest version, everybody that has submitted issues and made recommendations. All your support is greatly appreciated.
Have Fun!
Tom – ZR6TG
Hi Tom,
You’ve done a great job again with this version of OpenTuner.
My wish for OpenTuner version 0.C would be the option to support two PicoTuners with Ethernet and different IPs + ports instead of Winterhill and thus use the 4 tuners and window display like with Winterhill. That would make my current method of starting OT twice and adjusting the windows etc. much easier.
73 de Rolf -DJ7TH-